whoever came up with netflix should be shot

i got the free 2week trial from netflix last wendsday. for the main reason that they have movies that u cant get from BB or hollywood video. they say that u should recieve the video(s) in about one buisiness day…its almost been a week! and still no video!! i am obviouslly not gonna keep the service. ill see like 2 videos a month with that kinda turnaround time. anyone else have this garbage?

I have netflix, never had a problem…takes about 2-3 business days between the time i send it out and the time i recieve the next one

Ya I had it when they first started.Vids usually took 2 days.

i have about 2-3 days from when i send it back till i get the next one. been that way for about a year now.

sometimes it depends what movie you are looking for… if it’s an obscure movie… they will take awhile… Most movies come from rochester.
if it’s an odd movie they will have

it is a lil obscure-ORGAZMO. its bythe guys that make south park, team america ect.


its probably best if it never arrives at all :gay3:

orgamzo is a fucking great movie!!!

my friend has it and it takes about 2 days for him to get a movie, never any longer than that

well im getting screwed

prob cuz ur on a free trial

what does ur queue say…long wait…short wait…available now…or very long wait

well they definatlly didnt sell me on wanted to actually pay for it

Mine always came right away.

I have it. Usually takes about 2-3 days. Except for Battlefield Baseball. I imagine because its and odd find.

the wifey has it and doesnt have a problem at all, she gets it, i burn it and send it back the same day haha

like i said check your QUEUE for move availabilities…

my guess is if you look at the return address it’s going to be far away… not rochacha… My parrents use netflix… and my dad ordered some train movie and it took forever because of the fact it came from the midwest… and he may have had to wait for someone to return it.

well got the movie, the postal fag delivered it to the wrong address. not sure what day it actually got here though…

bwahahaha, orgazmo! dvda!