NetFlix to offer free movie downloads to all subscribers

Guess this is their last shot at competing with Blockbuster Online now that Blockbuster lets you return movies at the store for free in store rentals.

It will be interesting to see the quality of these movie downloads, especially for people who hook their PC’s up to a big HDTV.

I saw that today as well.

Going to the store for 10 minutes > sitting around for 3 hours waiting for a download

The company’s statement said its online viewing option will not require a lengthy downloading of a large video file. Instead it says it will use real-time playback technology that allows video to be viewed at virtually the same time it is being delivered to a user’s computer.

Reading is good. :slight_smile:

Its more of a streaming movie from what it sounds like

It’s easier for you to relay the message to me.

Ok so its basically going to stream the video. I wonder how smooth that will be. My sister-in-law has Netflix, I will have to check it out.

I have my doubts about “DVD quality” and streaming but we’ll see.

DVD Quality on a 17" PC monitor sure. Big pixels and compression on a small screen = great looking video anyway.

What about a 50+" HDTV?

im in for this