Netflix vs. Blockbuster Online?

I am about to get a month or two subscription to netflix or blockbuster online for my grandparents. The two seem pretty darn similar, either one have any advantages?

Blockbuster has in store also.

Fuck blockbuster in its stupid ass.

Look up the comparable plans, you’ll pay more for less with blockbuster, and they just increased their rates. Netflix is: 1.)cheaper 2.) Your movies come in order 3.) you can watch movies online.

The one and only thing Blockbuster has is its in-store, but who cares, you can keep your membership and just pay the $3 if you REALLY need to watch that movie RIGHT NOW.

Netflix ftw


Blockbuster does nor deserve your business. The only reason they lowered their prices and created a online store is because Netflix had a terrific business model that was succeeding. If it wasnt for Netflix (and Hollywood Video) you would still have 2 day rentals and ridiculous late fees from the pricks at Blockbusted.
Fuck them. Support the businesses that try to improve products, services, and pricing for the masses.

Go Netflix

netflix /thread

See above


I have the blockbuster thing but seriously want to get rid of it for netflix. ive noticed that almost ALL of the blockbuster disks are scratched up really bad and skip a lot, some dont even play at all. and it gets really annoying when you’re halfway through a movie and the thing starts skipping like crazy.


they fucking changed our in store returns on us from unlimited down to 5, than down to fucking 2 and NEVER TOLD US.

they can go to fucking hell for all i care


netflix works for me.

Since its obviously one sided in favor of netflix, allow me to be the only person to provide a different perspective.

After 2 months with netflix, here is why I will never subscribe with them ever again. You make a nice list of movies, and they start to arrive in the mail. Wait a solid 2-3 days and send them back. The first 2 weeks or so netflix would receive all 3 movies at once, and promptly ship out 3 more movies and Id get them within 2 days. Wow this is great right? Definitely. As the trend continued (getting the 3 movies, waiting a couple days and sending them back) they started to only get 1 movie at a time, maybe 2 if I was lucky. I was like wtf, Ive NEVER had anything lost in the mail. Why are they only getting 1 movie a day after I send all 3 back? then another day later they get the 2nd one? Then another day later, maybe 2, theyd receive the third one. I thought it was a little fishy, so after that happened a few times I had enough of them cutting off my movie rentals so much. I decided, instead of sending all 3 back in the separate envelopes they came in, Id just put all 3 dvds in a single envelope and send them back (dropped it off sunday night). Then there is no way in hell theyd receive them separately right? RIGHT ON! The catch? The recieved all of them on friday and they only sent me out 2 movies and I didnt get them until the following tuesday. I instantly canceled and sent a nasty nasty email (twice actually), describing all of that, and didnt get a response.

Basically the moral of the story is dont rent too much, as they will start to cut you off. I cant believe it, because I even waited a couple days or more before I sent them back! Sure I was burning every dvd that entered my house, but like they know that? Im sure your grandparents arent into burning movies and what not, and most likely wont have this problem as they will just watch movies at their leisure and maybe only see 6 a month anyway, rather than the 12-15 I was hoping for. With Blockbuster, I highly doubt they can turn you away if you go into their retail store. “im sorry buy you rent too much, we are gonna have to cut you off for a few days”. Just another perspective I guess.

I use netflix, I think the local facility that you mail them back to is in rochester. So it takes a day for them to receive it, and another day or so to get a new one depending on when you mail it. One time it took almost a week when I ordered a jeremy clarkson vid that had to come from PA.

i use blockbuster and love the in store option

My wife and I had blockbuster for a while now, and they also cut us down to 2 in store rentals per month without telling us and increased prices on us twice now. Many of the movies we want to see have a “Long wait” and they end up sending movie number 6 or 7 of our queue. Besides that, they never have any copies of the new movies in their stores anyways. We’re about to switch to netflix, which the rest of my family has, and they love it, or so they say…

Since Blockbuster is raising my rates for the 2nd time this year and did away with my free in store monthly game/ movie coupon, I’m switching back to netflix.

yaaa i noticed the coupons dissapeared too!

So you are complaining about 1-3 days difference in the time the “received” you movies which translates to the time they INPUTED the receipt of said movies into their system. Considering they receive thousands of movies a day and they are all mixed in the mail that is completely normal. Just because you threw 3 seperate movies in the same mailbox doesnt mean that the mailman put them in his pocket and walked them over to netflix. Those 3 getr seperated at the post office and can arrive on different trucks or planes. There is noting “FISHY” going on.
Sounds like you are a spoiled consumer with unrealistic expectations.

yea thats what I’m pissed about, too be honest thats the only reason i switched to blockbuster online was for the free game coupon.

I was a blockbuster online customer for 2 years and canceled a couple weeks ago to switch to Netflix.

For one year and 10 months it was far superior to netflix. No matter how fast I backed up 3 movie and sent them back they always shipped 3 more immediately. Some weeks I would get 9 movies delivered in a single week if I was good about archiving them the same day they came in. Netflix will not do this and have publicly admitted that they will throttle “heavy” users. Add in the ability to double your rentals by returning your mailer envelopes to the store for free in store rentals and it was clearly a no-brainer which was the better deal.

“ooh, streaming movies from netflix”. Yeah, total shitty ass gimmick done as an attempt to compete with Blockbuster’s in store exchange that is starting to be a threat to Netflix growth. If you want to watch movies on your computer they look ok, but who the hell wants to watch a movie in a 17" screen when you have a 51" high def set? Put that streaming movie on the big screen and the pixels are the size of my head.

So why did I cancel? All of a sudden Blockbuster isn’t keeping nearly enough copies in stock. In 2 years I’ve seen some movies have waits, but lately all their new releases have been short to long waits while the same movies at Netflix were in stock. I talked to the manager of my local store and he flat out told me Blockbuster is doing it to drive more people back to the stores. I loved the in store option but I certainly don’t want to have to go there for every new release.

netflix, and this is why: