Blockbuster Online problems

I’ve been a customer for 2 years and loved the service until the last month or so. Basically everything Netflix offered but the added bonus of occasional quick returns for new movies at the store. Lately though they haven’t been keeping nearly enough stock of new releases online and everything seems to be long wait. I asked the manager at my local store about it and he said they’re trying to drive more people back to the stores.

So I emailed today and asked for a refund for this month since 6 of the new releases I wanted were all on “Long Wait”. They sent me back a coupon for a free in store rental (something I get for free with every movie by mail envelope anyway). :retard:

So I canceled it and joined Netflix today. Just thought I’d share in case others are wondering why all the new releases are long wait. It doesn’t sound like it’s going to get better any time soon.

I was going to sign up for blockbuster’s online deal.

Maybe I won’t.


i love blockbusters’ online…
new releases i usually get in store if they are there, i have a few long waits but theres always movies in my que that still interest me and i’ll watch

My problem is I’ve been burning most of my movies since I signed up 2 years ago, so my queue is pretty empty now. The 500 or so non new release movies that blockbusters stocks that I wanted I already backed up. :slight_smile:

blockbuster on-line is :tup:, iv been using it for about 2 years, never had a problem


My problem is I’ve been burning most of my movies since I signed up 2 years ago, so my queue is pretty empty now. The 500 or so non new release movies that blockbusters stocks that I wanted I already backed up. :slight_smile:


how easy to burn those? i dont have a DVD burner, i dont know anything about them


My problem is I’ve been burning most of my movies since I signed up 2 years ago, so my queue is pretty empty now. The 500 or so non new release movies that blockbusters stocks that I wanted I already backed up. :slight_smile:


im in the same boat, im running out of movies. ive started getting “meh” movies just to burn something


how easy to burn those? i dont have a DVD burner, i dont know anything about them


Download dvdfab platinum. Insert DVD, choose either entire disk or main movie, click copy, put in blank DVD after about 15 minutes, come back in 5 minutes and it’s done. My main desktop has a DVD burner as well as a dvd reader so I can do the backups in one click.

I normally do “main movie” and check off just the main film plus the 5.1 soundtrack. That way most of the time it doesn’t have to compress it at all, or if it does only a few percent to fit on a DVDr.


i love blockbusters’ online…
new releases i usually get in store if they are there, i have a few long waits but theres always movies in my que that still interest me and i’ll watch


Same here. I get the new releases in store and I have about 50 movies int he queue at any time.