Whoops, I'm lost...

^ Government control to have a family? Fuck that, this isn’t China or whatever.

You missed my point. I ruled the world… I am higher than givernment. too bad so sad. :rofl

:rofl oh ok


Red Dragons!!!

Whoa now people. Way to look at one side of the story.

For all we know she could have been raped 6 months ago and held hostage by her rapist until she gave birth at which time he would then kill her. Maybe she escaped and drank as much as she could to try to kill the fetus? Then he found her so she hopped in a car to get away. Ever think about that? No?

It’s funny, you have to get a license to drive(legally), but ANYONE can have kids.


except she’s 8 months pregnant so that couldnt be true.

PJB, I hate you.

SEEEEEEE. WITH my device that would not be an issue for her now would it? NOPE the only thing she would need to worry about is a beat up vag-jay-jay by the rapist. I forgot to mention my devices are also programed to block STD’s too. Just make sure you keep up with your virus definition downloads each week! :rofl

See, this eagle eye is on top of my list to be appointed to the application review board! :thumbup

WTF, where the hell did that come from?

I wasn’t referring you as the next Travis Koch, PAL.

awesome job, mom