Whoops, I'm lost...


Another brilliant one.

Nice, pregnant too. You moron.

I just can’t comprehend it sometimes.



Yeah she better be crying!


Ah fuck Salt benny!

Smoking marijuana and getting plastered while 8 months pregnant. I can’t wait to pay for her kid’s medical bills.

what a dumbass. i cant believe people sometimes


Yup, soon enough.

they should really start fucking shooting people for this shit. if she’d just hit a tree we’d be rid of both her WT ass and what is sure to be a trailer park baby.

You have to feel bad for the kid tho - it gets fucked over from birth. It doesn’t even have a fighting chance at having a decent life.

People like this piss me off.

Jesus Christ… That kid’s going to come out with a grocery list of health problems. Really, that shit makes me sick. They should cut her bits out after the kid is born too, just to make sure this twat can’t have kids again.

Am I the only one thinking “would smash” here?

It’s my kid

At least you won’t have to worry about birth control. And you know she spreads.

It’s a Travis Koch in the making.

Her kid will prolly cure cancer

You better not mean me, pal.

If I ruled the world.

Every person born male and female would have a device inserted in their VAG or Peenor right at birth, and will be mandated to come in prior to an established date to have the device inserted if they are already living. Said device would be computer controlled uber birth control, hooked up to my mainframe database.

Once you and your mate think they are ready to make babies, they need to fill out a request form. My government goes out to your house and completes and eval. Once the paper work is processed and accepted, the devices is triggered to accept a connection. The device even has a fail safe programmed into it, they only accept “relations” from the matching serial numbers on file with your request.

this bitch is a prime example of how my system would have helped.

This will solve:
Unwanted pregnancies
Cut back on the high number of welfare babies produced
cut back on stupid people making stupid babies
Lower costs for healthcare
Sorry, Trojan but your SOL.
Might increase rapes, but at least you wont need an abortion later.
Decrease abortion rates
People could have awesome sex without worries
Bars, prostitution, brothels, porn industries, etc. would be booming!

Since I ruled the world, I dont give a fuck about the tree huggers that would want me dead when I turned the system on… because I would be made of titanium and couldn’t be hurt.