
Having the shitvic fixed up at a local shop, they call me up

“hey i’m trying to set the motor to TDC and it doesn’t really want to move, what do u want me to do ?”

guess thats what happens when u just let it sit for a year and half haha…

i told him to just wd-40 the cyls and crank it over and hope nothing seizes…:crosses fingers:

real good steve.

but i dont see it seizing up from just a year. where was it stored, and why didn’t you drive it?

tell them to take it outa gear :lol:

Have them poor a teaspoon of marvel mystery oil down the spark plug holes. Let it sit for an hour or two and then it will turn over no problem :tup:

year and a half…sat in the garage…my old mani cracked so i was waiting for the replacement to be made, then winter hit, then i stopped caring for a while haha

yeah wd40, oil whatever, after the first crank there should be sufficient oil everywhere. wish i could store the motor upside down or something then flip it over when im ready to use it again lol

yep, did this on a junkyard motor… motor had sat with for like 2 years… marvel oil in the spark plug holes… 2 hours later it felt like i had just built the damn thing

i had a ls motor that sat for 4 years outside in the yard and nothing …it started just like the day i put it away …even same shit gas …did not think this could happen that fast

i’m told it turned over fine.
fuckin oil. and bearings. and cars. what did i ever get myself into.

toda, why are you not doing you own work??? i thought you were a wrench…

im older, lazier, and busier lol…and slightly richer so i can afford to not do it.

all those years of having access to lifts then being forced to crawl around on cold cement floors and get muscle cramps made me hate my car

on my way there as well…


i do agree with more money and being able to pay for shit…

but don, me and you are really not that old… =)

we just feel it, lol

Know the feeling, agree totally!

Get that piece out man :tup:

Is it still the same setup that put down 500+ whp?

different turbo, different manifold, otherwise the same shit yea