Who's a beast at mounting stretched tires?

I dont feel dangerous or dumb when I look at it

Nice. What kind of tire? Mine looks a little crazier because I went with a 512 like usual. I wish I went with a tire that runs a little wider and normal at least lol. 452/512s are extra narrow. So are fuzion zris

I’m not sure on the tire, I actually found those pics on another forum lol

lol word

tyrestretch.com is good shit for looking up stretches

In for pics on the M3

What kind of pressure are you running? 40-45psi?

I typically run 40-45psi. Got it sitting at like 60 right now to stretch it out and make sure it seats properly. I’m gonna let them sit like that and in the sun for a couple days before I mount them to play it safe

then photoshooot yayyyyyy

mounting a narrow tire on a wide rim is easy as hell, and i doubt even a novice will scratch the rim. mounting a wide ass tire on a narrower rim is the hard part. /PJB

come mount one of these than. you wont.

:lol If you have a good tire machine, the hard part is just seating the bead.

Just curious, whats the purpose of stretching a tire? Is it just a looks thing? Because to me that shit looks terrible (just my opinion, please nobody get butthurt) and I can’t imagine its that safe to drive on?

Fuck off my butt man, it hurts.

Stiffer sidewall, cheaper, easier to fit large wheels.

Yeah we’re still having a lot of trouble mounting these at premier… first one went on first try. the second one we tried about 7 times no luck. goin back with some starter fluid and gonna warm these tires up before hand

bro it looks dope bro

I guess I need to go an eye doctor then…

three 1 second shots of starter fluid, than spray a trail from inside the tire to the outside to light it. Run the air for a few seconds and light, don’t let off the air until you are at 40psi or so. If it doesn’t set, repeat but run the air longer.

Are those JDM mirrors on the Blazer? Fowarding the pic to Canibeat.



what is this thing a fucking lowrider?

This stretched tire thing is kind of like dudes in skinny jeans.


Home you are riding on all of 1/2" of rubber… 2, 1/4" wide strips! :rofl


I guess I will never understand it! lol