Who's a beast at mounting stretched tires?

You realize tires deform when there’s weight on them?

Also, camber?

Benny, please forgive my friend Mike. He really doesn’t know anything about cars.

Dude’s running his mouth all over this site like he knows what he’s talking about. Go bag a minitruck you homo.

Well at least he isnt starting his own shop.


Mr BengAman and Mr. Klop… ysosrs?

Ohh yeah I forgot… -45 degs will help with the contact patch with those tires. MahhBad!

I’m not trying to direct this at Ollie, but why are stanced guys such fucking babies? I see the same shit on s2ki. The moment one or two guys diverge from the usual “your shit’s so fresh son” responses, the butthurt goes through the roof and now the thread is full of haters who are jelly, lol.

Maybe your jeans really are too freaking tight. Do you thing however you want. Not everyone who questions your style is a hater.

Bitch are you high

u jelly

Well you see, this day in age success or failure for stancers is measured by the number of oil pans shattered, how many times you get high centered on a speed bump at Pep Boys, how many fillings fall out of your head on a romp out with your “daily”, how much schwag you copped from the salvation army or a thrift store you can stuff into your roof rack, and how many sets of tires you eat through the inside 1/5 of the tread width in a week.

Buuuut I am not hatein I am just doing a little friendly rib pokin at my buddies. No real offense towards them… I hope none is taken. :number1

there is a difference between mounting and bead sealing…

Im a hater. Lowered/stanced/slammed/whatever is cool. Poke/flush/stretch all remind me of pewpin.

That’s one thing that ticks me off. If you are going to slam a car do it right. If you are hitting your oil pan, raise the engine or install a skid plate. Buy toe arms if you don’t have enough adjustment for a 1/2 way decent alignment. I hate roof racks.

That is all :lol

I’m going to buy a roof rack and camber my shit out right now.

Already like three inches sunken. :lol

Roof rack for the A4 is on its way. Next show we go to with it, we are putting one of those 60’ long scull row boats on that bitch! ROFL Winning biggest most obnoxious roof rack trophy for sure!

i agree on all this…even the roof rack portion, even though i own one and always will. with the trend of roof racks i look at anyone with one on a modified car and think they are a poser and don’t use it, when before the trend came around i would see one on a modified car and think hey that guy uses his car.

/\ and you can thank Stancewerrrrks, VWVortex and all the 17-20 year old kids who jerk off to those sites instead of Redtube everynight. Also thank every kid with a 300$ DSLR camera and a pirated copy of Photoshop makes a $3000 car look like a $600000 Riddler award winner!

lol kk

Mark, you are posting words to much, you should speak in meme’s more like you used to :rofl