Who's a beast at mounting stretched tires?


oh and lettuce be cereal, Pornhub > Redtube

Lettuce be soup-or-cereal, MrPink > *

bunch of haters who are jelly in this thread

i’ll bring the peanut butter.

it’s funny because imo from what i’ve scene the “stance” scene is one of the most accepting and diverse group of people i have seen, yet they get hated on the most by people who can’t understand that not everyone wants the same thing out of their car.


It’s true but you can tell who does it because that’s what they like and who does it to be cool, by how they are effected by the “haters.” I know no one in this thread is really “hating” or taking it too seriously and I dont take offense to anything either way because I do what I do and I enjoy it. But I feel like there are a lot of kids that do get butthurt immediately when there shit isnt getting praised and those are the people that do it for the attention or cuz thats what other people are doing

anyway where was I? oh yeah haters be hatin

/\ damn.

So who thinks theyre awesome enough to bead these tires for me?

4x4 above.

so your saying it makes you fully torqued?


Only if said stretched tires were on a Camaro. Then I’d be TURGID.

Was that for a little ironic LULZ? :rofl

I am sure they are very accepting car people. Oilie being a great dude for example, very fun to hang out with, outspoken and respectful. Granted I dont get out to shows as much as I would like to, but from what I have seen the stance scene people are rather sheepish. One guy does it like style A, 10 follow almost to a T. Then around comes one dude who changes it up a little to style A1 and it blows people away and its like whoa!

To me I just dont see the diversion. Don’t get me wrong, every “type” of car and car builder/owner fit into a category, it just seems like this group is one of the few that doesn’t like to stray outside its norms, and when they do they are either burned at the steak for it or accepted and put on the pedestal.


VERY well said. Thats what I was trying to say above. Like in the last thread we went into the definition if “slammed” you put in some good 2 cents and took our friendly ball busting very well, as did i for being an air-douche. We all do what we feel justify our own means to make our cars our own… the haters are the people whos comments aren’t worth a lick of shit anyways so they dont really matter anyways.

Get a hold of Yarter/Klopman/BudLight performance… we can set a bead on anything… and only loose a few eyebrows in the process! :rofl

^ :rofl :rofl

Yeah I think Ollie, myself and others will set these like we did with Gatville’s wheels at Yarter Performance :lol

My brother will post the one vid! its epic! hahahaha