Whos breath smells????

kevin you are the man this thread is seriously the best off topic thread ever. It owns the caturday thread by far

Bronchitis FTL.

Im sure I do.The mucous im yaking up has lovely shades of green and yellow.

how about a poll for when ppl have stuff in their teeth? and a bunch people know about it, should you tell the person? or wait all day and let more and more people notice it???

as for bad breath, i try and always chew gum so i guess im self consious, but ill usually try and be discrete about letting them know, you know offering some mouthwash, a toothbrush and toothpaste or maybe even referring them to a dentist

another option offer them gum or breath freshener

Isn’t that what mouth wash is supposed to do?

depends on who it is… if im close with them ill tell them that somethings up or offer gum or something… if i dont know them then i just grin and bare it, and laugh later

lol it was one piece of small pepper lol and i was even chewing gum… atleast my breath didnt smell

actually theres something we still didnt tell you about that day… lol

give them tounge than tell them the taste like shit, works for most peopel