why are there so many nice cars in the ghetoooo

And welfare.

slightly different twist… but I love driving past mobile homes and seeing 50k+ in toys and cars.

Priorities I guess…

it is that area over there … lots of people that have money form there “home land” once you go over the “bridge” down ridge about a mile down, you will get to Yemen then you will see LOTS of getto houses with like 100k cars

it’s just a couple miles from west nukka and op. wtf are you jokers talking about with this ghetto shit?

the ghetto is all like this and shit

is there even a valvoline in the actual ghetto? yeah, that is definitely not the ghetto, you have people that live in lancaster, orchard park, hamburg. they need to get back and forth from there house to work some how.

bro, rich people take their petercopter


The answer to the question is a simple, one-word answer. “PRIORITIES” Some people have different ones.

o well =)

It’s because we’ve pushed all the jews into the ghetto… As you know, jews like fancy cars.

surprises me people take vipers/supras/GTRs/EVOs/SRT4s to valvoline for an oilchange
go to dealer? do it yourself? grow up?

^ to be honest… my personal time has gotten much more valuable to me in recent years. I find myself gong to Delta for car washes…and i swore that i would never do that. I’d rather use time elsewhere now.

On a high end sports car, I wouldn’t trust anyone except the dealer to change my oil though. I definitely wouldn’t go to a random Valvoline.

Amen to that! The amount of time I’ve spent on car projects recently has me questioning why I do this to myself…

When youve worked in the Fruitbelt, then you can come crying to me.

I have worked in the worst of the worst neighborhoods in the city
Ive been cornered by customers,

I promise you friend, Lackawanna is a dump, not the hood

tehy dont take em here LOL theyre just driving by and i sit outside watch and get paid, we get all the arabs with 1976 hondas

What order does it fall in really.

You have a dump, hood, ghetto, gang land, slum, high rise, hmmmm what should they be ordered, and can they be combined. Slum High Rise, or dump of the ghetto.


The worst area that I have worked on has to still be C street. I think that takes the cake, even over the fruitbelt and the projects

Niagara Falls C Street?

If not, that shits hood too.
I havent worked in Perry, I wouldve given the work order back if I was asked too

Could any of us make payments on a viper if we sunk every penny we have into it, while the government pays our housing and food bills? Sure could!

But do most of us choose to live in dignity, and spend money on other things like children and living expenses? I believe so.

I’ve been working on the West side for the past couple of days and havn’t seen a nicer whip than our work trucks. But I have seen plenty of shit boxes with 4 thousand dollar rims.

see it all hinges around if your income is on the books or not.