Why are you successful AND lean left?

Also, what policy/policies in particular stands out to you as Obama “taking from the workers and giving to the undeserving?” He’s passed a lot of things so far, but I can’t recall one that raised taxes on workers yet.

It’s because I’m young and I’m black and my hat’s real low.

(I don’t know why I had to add that, but I did. Sorry.)

Do I look like a mind reader sir?

Sorry, I guess I should have used the word agenda.

Inflation, the hidden tax that affects the worker more than anyone else.

We had DEFLATION this year.

:lol: @ having to use “agenda” instead of “policy” :cjerk:

What do you mean? He hasnt done things he wishes to do, although he does wish to do it within reasonable means, therefore its his agenda correct? Or were you making fun of my tenuous grasp of the English language lol?

Haha and fuck you, im trying to be very modest here saying I dont understand politics enough so show mercy.

Cap and trade, public option, second stimulus, extended unemployment, additional state emergency aid… all things the left administration wants that they have to pay for. You obviously believe that these won’t be direct taxes or trickle down taxes on the working class. We on the right don’t believe that for a second and history is on our side.

Typical short sighted American.

When the DOW first hit 10,000 we had $16/barrel oil and 4-5% unemployment.
Where are we now?

the inflation will come and it will be very, very, hyper

Well it’s easier to lean left since the throttle is on the right, you have a better angle of attack coming into a corner so when you roll on the throttle it’s a smoother acceleration.

Slow, look, lean, roll…profit!

Oh wait, this is politics?

That’s OK. We’ll just give inflation ritalin with our new healthcare system. :tup:

on a rudamentary level I would also say left voting successful people may vote the way they do because of social issues being more important to them than if someones priming the pump or trickling it down

Wait till we have to pay this money back over the next 100 years…where else you think this money for healthcare, bailouts etc will come from? Borrow more from china? Print more money and create inflation?

And don’t forget your pants!

That’s interesting, because I’m the opposite. I care about the big stuff like budgets, homeland security, health care, foreign policy and my beliefs in those areas have me voting right. Socially I’m more left leaning (pro-choice, pro-stem cell, pro-legalization of marijuana, anti-religion in government etc) but those issues don’t have nearly as much effect as the former on my daily life.

This is one of those questions that is as fun as “why do poor people vote republican”

As for me personally voting for Obama (I consider myself a moderate)

  • keep religion out of politics and science
  • slow down the shift of wealth in America as fewer people are controlling more of America’s wealth. (when more people are born into wealth, fewer people can work into wealth)
  • I believe health care should not be a privilege in any first world country
  • end republican crusades into the middle east
  • I don’t sell out my morals to simply pick the party that will tax me more favorably