Why cant NY state get anything this awesome?

This is being tested out in Cali right now. I FUCKING WANT!

they need to add beer 2 it

Cause soda’s bad for you

If you never thought that soda machines would adapt to the high-tech world, think again. Coca-Cola’s Freestyle fountain comes equipped with a touchscreen that is able to mix flavors on the spot, using precise machinery originally developed for dialysis and cancer treatments.
There are over 100 flavors available, across an array of drink brands, including Coke, Fanta, energy drinks, flavored waters, and more. When you select a drink, you’re able to select from a variety of flavors, some of which are unfamiliar (Raspberry Coke?! Peach Fanta?!).
Instead of large, five-gallon bags of pre-mixed syrup, the Freestyle PurePour system uses ultra-concentrated 46-ounce cartridges to mix drinks and allow for a greater array of flavors, all coming from one spout. There are also RFID tags to keep track of all the different flavors held inside the cabinet and their current status.

They cant afford it because your waste of life state workers spend their entire day posting bullshit on Shift instead of working.

My company has some pretty neat gadgets already, I wonder if they would go for this.
We saved money on marketing expenses this year, so I feel caffeinating our employees would be money well spent from our budget on productivity instead. :lol

This statement is full of win


This could help NYS out a lot if they adopt it along with Obama’s so called Soda-Tax plan to combat obesity as part of the healthcare agenda. $.13 more for each can would equal $$$$$$$$ for NYS.

^ Disclaimer:I am being sarcastic and do not agree with soda-tax

No it is. My brothers room mate works for the state and he always taking random days off or leaving early and still getting paid for it

Or try doing consulting work for the state and just being baffled how no one is ACCOMPLISHING ANYTHING ALL DAY LONG. :rofl

Sounds like Wayne, lucky bastard :rofl

Lmao just drive around and look for state workers doing road work. There is 1 guy in a hole working with 15 standing around whacking their pud


I love being a state worker!

Stallmer’s brother (I don’t know why I said that like you don’t know who Jim is…) was telling me about work when he started his new job for the state, said a few guys finish an oil change or change a tire and just stand around smoking cigs and drinking coffee in the garage. :lol

I miss working for the state… had some mean Mario Kart with my cube neighbors…

The art of mixing sugar and carbonated water has been computerized.

+1 Nobody does shit there!

Sounds like one boring ass, non-rewarding job to me. :lol