Why cant NY state get anything this awesome?

Makes Jim look better if he actually does work though. :number1

  • rep. :Idiots

+rep to all the staties in here.

Get back to work!!!

i JUST got back from a 2 hour lunch you fuck!!! what’s it look like i’m doing. DAMN.

God damn state workers ftl…wait I dont pay taxes so I dont give a shit

god damnit i’m out of neg rep.

Jesse’s opinions don’t even apply in this thread, he’s not a NYS tax payer anymore.

high five Wayne. You goin to come visit Mike and me for lunch sometime?

the benefits/retirement package makes it worthwhile

To each their own.

Ha ha

Are you really THAT excited for a fuckin soda machine?? Its not like it blows ya…which it should!

The only thing that’s different about that than any other one, is it takes up less space by the drink selections coming from one machine, has a touch screen for you to make your selection, and has 100 different sodas…whoop-dee-doo.

That’s just what we need… moronic people of society getting hyped up on caffeine.

my dad worked and retired from the state…now does private consulting and sweats his balls off working 65+ hr weeks without any extra pay.

state job? do want!! :rofl

Both of my parents work for the state.

Ask your dad if he was at the Mobil off Broadway across from that KFC yesterday arounddd, I wanna say 1230-1PM? I saw a black Camaro SS IDENTICAL to the one that was sitting out front of Denooyer and an older(late 30s early 40s), balding fellow step out of it.

To each their own my ass dude. How much do you pay for health insurance? $70-$80 a paycheck for full coverage(Dental,Vison,all that) Seriously?

How much vacation time do you get a paycheck/year/week whatever?

I work to live, not the other way around. I look at it as what I am doing while I am at work. Working on cars for a living just isn’t my thing. No offense to anybody who chooses to do that though.

Geez it was just a soda machine people :ahh:ahh:ahh:ahh:ahh:ahh