Why do Grand Am owners think their car is fast?

somewhere = west coast. srsly

i remember 2 years ago this guy in a grand am saw i was driving relativley fast and decided that i wanted to race i guess because at the next light he pulled next to me and put the hammer down when the light turned. he got ahead casue i didnt know he wanted to race so i mashed it and pulled a head when he had about a half a cars length on me. then he asked me what i had done and i said ummm its stock besided the exhaust, his face was priceless.

I raced against a red GA GT at lancaster on sunday and i give him props tho… He was super cool. After we raced and he lost he pulled up next to me and said “nice run, that thing is fast”

pisssshhhh everyone knows they are all red!

That made me lollerskate around the block.

Pontiac owners think they have good cars because Pontiac puts a GT badge on almost every car they make… IMO…

you made that sig on meth didn’t you

The GT doesn’t mean anything, the O is the money letter.

meth?.. i made mine on apple works… Took about 5 mins…

Meh, my Grand Am was decently quick before I sold it. Best run was 14.1 @ NYI. I was afraid my transmission was going to murder itself though everytime i pushed it. Kinda sad that as it stands right now my GA was faster than my IS is. Oh well once i finally decide I have time to install the bottle the IS will be a lot faster too. But yeah I agree 99.9% of people who own Grand Am’s never touch them and think they’re fast.

i dont have a GT badge on my pontiac, but i know its better then your car

Damn that was fucked up. To each their own man.

P.S. I agree

I was saying that alot of grand am’s and grand prix’s have GT badges.
I never said anything about your car…

you said Pontiac owners, of which i own one. You tried to jump on the bandwagon and make a dumb comment about there being a GT model of almost everything they make (im not seeing the problem with that), so dont make dumb blanket statements next time.


Yup. You caught me.


I somewhat feel that these encounters with a particular person derseve its own thread, but I’ll just post it here because this thread is right along the same lines.

A day or so ago I was pulling out of a parking lot in NT, and this green pontiac comes around a corner slightly chirping his tires, gives me a look and goes scooting by. I was amazed at how weak the tire spinning was for someone trying to show it off. I didn’t get behind him to see what it was, but I would assume a G6, maybe a grand prix…but the new grand prix’s have 303hp and I think would spin the tires a little harder…maybe this car is older than I think it is…whatever.
The story gets good with my encounter today with him! I was driving down the same road when he pulled out behind me as I passed, I knew this because I didn’t have the radio on and I hear screatching tires behind. I looked back, saw him and had to chuckle. So he follows me…squeeling his tires at every turn:gotme:, I would slowly round the turn, and “rhe rhe rhe” and he zooms up to my bumper. SO, I felt I needed to take this to an open road. I made a route to a two lane road that was very close to where we were, and he followed squeeling his tires at EVERY…EVERY turn. The last turn we made, he came out very wide, locked the steering wheel and hammered it…“rhe rhe rhe”:eyebrow:. As we approach the street where we can run, he turns into his driveway, which is VERY close to the two lane 55mph road.WTF!!
I dont understand 2 things…Why would he act super “hard”, and then not run me, when I was obviously making a bee line to a two lane road. And I want to know "Why does this stock N/A 6cly pontiac owner think his car is so badass. I dont expect any of you to “know” this, I take it as one of life’s little mysteries. If you think your bad, then put your motor where your tire screetching is.
It would be cool if he was on the forum so I could hear his take…lol
I like when stuff like this happens to me…It gives me a random chuckle to brighten my day:D

Well i don’t know about the statement of all grand am owners think they are fast. I know my 00 ga se is slow but i would like it to be fast. You all know you wouldn’t even post up on here if you got smoked by a grand am. i like the look of the ga’s it’s something most people don’t see modded. Like i said i know my car isn’t fast but i sure would like to see where i rate against other drivers. from a roll i can do ok get me at a light and i know i don’t have nothin. i played around the other night with my g/f 3.8 from about 45 to 70 and kept right up concidering i only have a 2.4 wth a lot less hp mine is slightly modded nothin that would really give hp just looks. oh and mine is a blueish green. So to each their own. i love cars i don’t care if you have a 96 geo metro or a STI why hate on other peoples rides i think all cars have potential.