Why does my internet suck??

They’ve been pissing me off lately.I’ve had a few problems…

Instead of 3mbps down I was getting 1.5,it was like that for a few days and I called and ended up getting a asian woman who had no fucking clue what she was talking about…trying to get me to do remote assistance,take the speakeasy speed test and clear my cookies.I hung up on her because I was so frustrated and left for awhile,I came home and my speed was back to normal again.:slight_smile:

Lately,I’ve had a problem similar to what you’re experiencing…I boot up and after 2 minutes my shit stops sending/receiving and it lasts about 2 minutes and then everything is fine.:gotme:

I’ve swapped DSL modems/NICS,different routers/ethernet cables and it does the same thing.I’ve even tried powering them down for hours.

I’ve been thinking of switching to this company…


They’re $40 for Phone/Internet,compared to verizons $75 and they claim up to 15mbps.