Why has my weight loss all but stopped?

Everyone is somewhat knowledgeable in this thread, so I’m sure bigairskier will be capable of determining what will work and not… if he needs more assistance I know he is aware of the plethora of websites/forums that have extremely experienced people on them who have already provided the answers he is looking for.

That said, I just want to hammer home 2 points.

  1. Slower and longer cardio, for example incline walking at a moderate pace, is going to burn fat a lot faster than running or any other exercise that leaves your heart rate extremely high

  2. Get your bodyfat % taken so you know if you are making good gains or not. You may weigh a lot less than you did 3 months ago, but if you are just burning muscle you aren’t really making progress. If you only lost 5 more pounds in the next 6 months but lowered your bodyfat% by 5%, now that’d be serious progress.