So a buddy and I are driving down 51 going towards the West End. We pass four guys in a saturn, and as we do, they all look over and the guy in shotgun says “thats a piece of shit”. Now this gets me pissed off, so in reply I told them “least im not riding aorund in a rusted out shitbox”. At this point the driver goes into rice mode and throttles it. Meanwhile, he doesn’t realized there is a Wrangler in front of him, so, he gets on the brakes and almost rear ends her. At this point I’m laughing and pass them, and they do the rice move and swirve in and out of traffic. I go on my way, and they persist to follow. I get on the throttle as I get to the on ramp for the parkway, wanting to get away from these asshole. Being both brave and incompitent, they almost sideswipe a semi who came on from 51. Both humored and annoyed, I made this post. People need to learn to keep their fucking mouths shut and mind their own business. My rant is done.
if people should keep thier mouth shut, you shoulda kept your’s shut and let it go…
pot. kettle. black.
I don’t play like that. If they would’ve said that me, I would’ve popped the safety off my Tec DC-9 and straight up started bustin. It don’t mean a thing for me and the boys to pull a drive by or two. Fuck these bustas.
lol, wow…ok…what car do u drive? so i know not t cut in front of u or something.
hahaha classic
I can safely say this thread owned me.
U aint shit…just remember that…:rolleyes:
U aint shit…just remember that…
Okay bro. I’ll remember that.
lol, wow…ok…what car do u drive? so i know not t cut in front of u or something.
77 Fleetwood.
SleeperGTP, it seemed to me that it was pretty obvious that I was joking, in case you were confused. I don’t really intend to do any drive bys. In fact, I don’t even own a Tec DC-9.
I don’t think you were confused though, considering this is the second thread you’ve decided to try and bust my balls. I don’t know you, or what I did to piss you off, but I’m really not interested in getting into some internet pissing battle. I’m 25 years old, married, and came here because I like to talk about cars (and make a joke once and awhile, which at least two people in this appreciated). Fighting with someone on a message board just really isn’t y thing.
Well there swartzy,i myself do not intend on getting into a lil internet baby bashing. Iknew u were joking and I myself was just busting ur balls and u fell for it,it,s just a joke man.get real…:wtcslap:
Buy my LIM bitch!:stick:
Well Swartzy, I don’t plan on getting into a big gay E-fight either. I knew you were joking, I was just fucking around too and you fell for it. It’s just a joke, no bad intent, don’t be so uptight.
Cool, no problem mang.
get a room homo’s
said the guy with the pic of a guy playing with his nipples in his sig