Why not to login to facebook on demo phones....

And forget to logout. Whoops. I get bored.

Here’s a screen shot so you can actually read it. Not sure why my phone sucked at taking pictures all of a sudden.







lol pwn3d!


why did they have to be black guys…


ps. what the eff is jellyfishin and llama dancing.

If you don’t know, then you don’t know.

Ok picture a nice house, with a really great Porsche GT3 in the garage, have a nice visual in your mind? Well its nothing like that.

well crap… i was all about it if thats how it was.


LOL. You got me. I’m lol’ing at work. :clap:

This thread delivers!

A picture of a VZW Blackberry and a screen cap from an AT&T iPhone? What’s going on in here?

OIC, Paulo friended himself from the BB after he punked random demo phone girl.

actually i didn’t. I just searched for her and her profile wasn’t public.

oohhhh pillows!!!..such a snky WHIPPER SNAPPER

wait, so is that what happened to you too?
