Well if it was that simple why don’t people register skylines and sylvias as kit cars…
this car is NASTY. john (owner/seller) is second owner…someone else built it with a 351 initially like 3 years ago. this car has been beat hard and holds up well. john built it up to the 408 it is currently running. it is a bolt-in kit from kugelkomponents.com
Which was my original question. I know the existing 408 would not work, but if someone wanted a V8 Focus with over 400hp… a Cobra motor would be my first thought… the motor is wide as hell though.
I know you can put a newer Hemi motor in a Jeep Wrangler… and pass.
Because they’re not kitcars.
When you show up for your kitcar inspection in a skyline the NYS guy is probably going to kick you in the balls for wasting his time.
I was stating this is more then incorrect
Homemade/Kit/custom cars are exempt from emissions inspections. they only receive a safety only inspection
How does one determine how safe a kit car is?
That focus would make a fun track car… but you’d really have to take advantage of a newer motor if you wanted to enjoy it on the street. Or register it in PA.
buy 1977 pinto for $200. Change vin tags. Done.