Title change to “Why Quitting Sucks!” ?
man you guys are worse than middle school drama queens.
this job(not going to name the company, some of you know what it is already) was only until i get the rest of my ASE stuff done this summer.
some people on this forum worked for this man and company and can attest to the disrespect and ungrateful nature of said owner towards his employees. for more money i would have taken more shit and said fuck it, im getting paid. but for $9 an hour at around 25-35 hours a week AND seeing that this SAME disrespect and ungrateful attitude is shown to his CUSTOMERS too, i wasnt going to sit around and let this douchenozzle walk all over me.
This man has employed 23 people in the past 26 months. WHY? because not only does he not pay well. but ON TOP of that he turns around and sticks you so far up your ass(not literally obv.) that you just want to kick him in the face and rhino-line his ass to a truck bed.
This job meant nothing. it was money and only a little bit at that. i have money. enough to live on IF i dont get another job til i finish my ASEs. im not even going to put it on my resume. it doesnt matter.
and for those who say waaaaaah you cant leave a job without two weeks notice cause u leave other people with work. whooops. maybe you shouldnt treat your employees and customers like fucking cumrags(not literally obv.)
JoesTypeS"Didn’t you live at home until just recently? "
and just as an FYI just because you are god-king zerces(sp?) of the intraweb doesnt mean you know shit about whats going on in the real world. ive lived on my own since i was 18(now 21) and THE ONLY reason i moved back in with my parents in january was because my father had a fucking heart attack over christmas. so be a bloody cunt somewhere else. thanks
p.s. devin wish it were true today, DEFINITELY, wish it were true today.
Wow. As a manager myself, that’s a pretty shitty thing to do. So maybe your boss was a scumbag, in your eyes, but you just don’t do that.
Was this some B.S., near minimum wage, job or did it actually have meaning? EDITED.
wait, you walked out of a shop…
you’re working on getting your ASEs…
and you think walking out a shop will not come back around? Good luck kiddo.
honestly not trying to be a toolbox
have actually done a search as well
but why did you leave mosler in FL?
i was “undercoating” and “rhinolining” cars and trucks. on top of that i was doing “rust prevention” to vehicles that were already rusted, because my boss, the salesman says it “completely stops and eliminates” rust.
hmmmm if ive heard of something unethical its selling “rust prevention” to an 80 year old man with a 25 year old cadillac that IS ALREADY rusted, just so my “christian” boss can collect another $300.
just an FYI the entire Rhinolining process took me an hour and half and was LABORIOUS. sanding the entire truckbed(tailgate,etc) taping it off, plasticing(sp?) it off, spraying the rhino. He charge 6-800$ for a rhino. of that $6-800 i made $13.50 of it. pretty reasonable, right?
wasnt an “automotive shop” and wouldnt be considered one for my ASE certs. regardless
ahh. gotcha. still not cool, but now, not quite as dumb either.
Certainly sounds like a shitty ass job, but did you know that when the job was offered to you at $9/hr?
nope. and thats how they got me
I forgot the volume of traffic this forum has.
did you account for cost of product, rent, gas, electric, water, insurance, payroll, and all the other costs of doing business?
sucks, but at least you can do that kind of work. I had to leave my job today because it was aggravating a chronic back problem I have (which i shouldnt at my age), and my chiropractor who’s opinion I trust since I have been going to him for longer than I can remember, said to me today that I should probably start looking for a job that isnt so strenuous on my back so i dont mess my back up for the rest of my life. and at 21, finding a decent paying job thats not gonna require me to use my lower back is pretty damn hard.
see my WTH in the classifieds
looking now
oh. sure. you’ll hire mike…
“Hey John, do You think I should take rt 5 to angola? or the 90?
Hey John, do you think i should take the mustang or the jeep?
Hey John, i don’t want to work on the mustang, should I buy another car to drive here?
Hey John, are you playing with bubble gum???”
only when i am on the phone with the boss
Trying. To. Not. Laugh. In. Class…