Evo = fwd tranny with a transfer case tacked on.
STI = real awd
Evo = fwd tranny with a transfer case tacked on.
STI = real awd
It’s too much time spent in your house, I’ll pay you when the debt gets to $1.00
So the ATTESA-ETS Pro is wantabe AWD since it behaves like RWD in certain situations, too?
the evo was a blast on the track, i priced them out after driving yours.
but I also couldn’t live with it as a dd. i’d rather dd an e30 lol. they are pretty comfy actually
I’m not talking about how it behaves in whatever hypothetical situations you come up with, it’s just the fact that the Evo is a FWD transmission with a transfer case. Please, by all means explain to me how this is better than an AWD system like the STi has.
what does “better” mean?
I would put both machines on par with each other as far as handling goes on all terrains, some might even give the nod to the Evo so how does having a 100% symmetrical AWD system matter?
evos are sweet…335 is SOO HOTTT and has two turbos…your car only has 1
355 all the way. I saw a 355i drive past me 4 times today when I was working in NT, that car is sex. Get it.
i feel like its 2 totally different cars. ide prefer the EVO though.
it may have a stiffer ride, but i enjoy that, especially while im young and can stiall handle that
awd is great in the winter
german cars are over-engineered
There both different types of cars it all depends on what you want…
The Evo is boy racer style car that your probably better off with if you want to beat the shit out of something and/or highly modify one of the two. (Even though it’ll prob break…I kid…lol)
While the BMW is more of a refined car mature car that you would still be able to have a lot of fun with and modify even though it’ll be more expensive. Also that BMW coverage sounds pretty nice.
I’m sure you already know these things but I just thought I’d throw them out there.
There both different types of cars it all depends on what you want…
The Evo is boy racer style car that your probably better off with if you want to beat the shit out of something and/or highly modify one of the two. (Even though it’ll prob break…I kid…lol)
While the BMW is more of a refined car mature car that you would still be able to have a lot of fun with and modify even though it’ll be more expensive. Also that BMW coverage sounds pretty nice.
I’m sure you already know these things but I just thought I’d throw them out there.
Hmm… the BMW Getrag will take 1000hp… the BMW stock block will do 600whp. Yeah, the Evo will take more abuse…
Hmm… the BMW Getrag will take 1000hp… the BMW stock block will do 600whp. Yeah, the Evo will take more abuse…
reading comprehension.
blah blah.
bimmer- have a lot of fun with and modify even though it’ll be more expensive.
Hmm… the BMW Getrag will take 1000hp… the BMW stock block will do 600whp. Yeah, the Evo will take more abuse…
I already know your BMW biased because you hate Evo’s even though I think what I said was pretty neutral. How much power it can put down before it blowing up wasn’t what I meant. By "beat the shit out of " I mean like Rallycross/Autocross/Road Course/Tossing Around in Winter kind of stuff.
keep the evo. you’ll get sick of the bimmer too. ride out your 0% financing, invest your disposable income, then go for the gold in baller status. dont half ass it. exotic > 335.
or just invest it in your house. appreciating assets FTW
he already paid off the Evo
I would go for it and get the 335
joe, you’re retarded.
keep the evo… with the AWD it will make a great winter beater/daily, and but a fucking GT3.
bmw =:bloated:
gt3 = :meloveyoulongtime: