Why your views are wrong.

Sounds like we’re just missing out on a real treat!

too bad they totally said u suck at life.

too bad you prolly drive a slow pos.

and your mom just looks young.

You’ll never know.

good job on being too general to actually know people that know me

my car is pretty nice

and my mom is a fatty so thats gross

Actually “they” said you aren’t allowed to sell. Ever. But what do they know…

I’m not allowed to sell? If you claim you know me what’s my name?

Craig Haffa. I don’t know you, but my friend does. And she only needed 5 seconds with your previous posts to figure this out.

looks like someone went out and bought a civic and thinks hes the shit now. just an observation;)

On the contrary, if I was someone who was pretty nuetral in this sistuation, you’d have totally swayed me towards newman’s viewpoint.

wow, this thread went from intellectual to high school in about 10 minutes. way to ruin it fellas

nah, he’d still be like this. this is beck. and he would be like this to everyone in person too. so would newman. i know both of them and see them often enough to say this :tup: i really dont see why everyone gets so riled up over it( not you, just saying everyone in general). they’re cool people, and over a discussion on a sensitive issue, people will think otherwise.

anyways, back to lurking. i really dont have the energy right now to contribute to the thread


lol @ gustav thinking he proved any sort of point.

yeah, it was going well at the begining. beck and gustav totally put that in the shitter.

Oh shit, I totally forgot, beck wasn’t supposed to have OT access. Nor was SoloIIscoob.


soloIIscoob hardly posts anyway. I think he’s mad that I wouldn’t see Phat Girlz with him.

The problem is, is that your sig does not promote the disscussion you would hope it does. Its not going to change anyone opinions. I’m against the War in Iraq and Bush but that doesn’t mean I think your sig is correct either.

When I see a picture or drawing useing 9/11 as a back drop for promoting a political opinion it does nothing but show disrespect for those who lost thier lives. That would include the “Never Forget” and your sig.

If you really wish to change the country why not try running for political office or promoting a politician that has similiar views?

Being part of a Anti-Gov’t band and handing out flyers doesn’t do much of anything. I remember seeing those people in college and more or less laughing.

Quit complaining about this country and do somthing about it.

I don’t prove points. I just like bringing down the house.

And now I’m interested to know who you’re friends with that knows me.

just stop posting in this thread. you already proved you hate gays. now you think that kiddo bush dosen’t talk to daddy bush. you also think that the persian gulf war has nothing to do with the current war.

hmm…Daddy Bush didn’t like sodom. Kiddo Bush didn’t like sodom. Daddy went after him 10 years ago. didn’t get him. ten years later, same place, same parties, Kiddo Bush goes in to clean up the mess.

those are some really hard points to connect there eh?

That’s obvious.

good one

is there something wrong with not liking gays?

i never said the 2 wars aren’t connected. I also didnt say junior didnt talk to senior. I said theres no way of knowing if hes just doing what his dad is telling him to.