Not starting a fight or anything. But why is it that everyone thinks if you own a honda or imported car that your a ricer ? Why is it that every fuckin person thinks that people who own imported cars ruin every fukin car show to man kind. I’ve been to many of car shows that ended up being fine. I actually seen car shows get torn apart by cops cuz of mustangs ect smokin tire in parkin lots. Not honda’s. Yea i know there are tons of assholes who see 5dollar parts for honda’s on ebay and go oh man i gotta get those. And then drive around with fake blowoff valves and loud ass fart cans and make trouble. But there’s alot of people who do the cars right by dropping big hp engines and makin the cars actually nice and not rigged up. Why classify every honda or import owner as being a ricer or trouble maker ??