Wicked Sweet S14

Check out this ballin awsome sick S14



You’re such a hater man. Everybody’s got different tastes, you gotta learn to respect that IMHO.

Fair enough I suppose. Good call, just thought some guys would get a kick out of some of those pics.

No bad on my side towards you intended man. Just speakin my mind!

No, we should all hate on ricers. I don’t want none of that kindergarten “everyone is special” shit. Special means retarded.

lol hahahha

Did your mom tell you that when she was trying to beat that lisp outta ya?

Your posts get more interesting every day

lol, Osad is being such a care bear hippie. Where’s all the rage? Where’s all the hate?

Haha, thanks? I assume sarcasm.

I take my rage and anger out on the female race. Not on cars. Cars are worth something to me.

Lmao…thanks for the new sig

You can go to jail for that btw.
KapetaJR- YW.

I like jailbait :slight_smile:

whatever floats your boat…lol that jailbait won’t look so good when you in a cell with some big ass dude named tiny.lol

wow 152MILES - 250K… $4700…

Come on man, the wicked kit and paint makes up for the miles.

she`s tempting .jailbait = (osad)

Jailbait will look even BETTER when I’m in that cell!