wierd braking stereo problem

ok so this has been goin on a long time i just touch the brakes and the stereo turns off and then comes back on again. wierd? also a wierd humming noise from speakers and on top of that when i turn the stereo off the sub makes a wierd pop noise. any suggestions on how to fix?

The stereo shut off or humming noise is probably a bad ground on your stereo system. Reground the deck to another good solid ground location. The thump you hear is the cut off on the sub woofer amplifier. Try turning the volume down on the stereo before you shut it off. Does your amp turn on by remote turn on, or RCA signal detection?

What james said is true… and as for braking see where your ground is connected when you brake the weight transfer might be turning it off then when i gets back to rest it connects again. All your problems are connected if its this situation… does it also turn off if you reverse really fast.

hmm havent tried the reverse thing…lol but i will reground the system and get back to you guys. thanks for input.