Stereo guys, i need help

So all of a sudden i lost my beats :frowning:

the system consists of (2) 12" Alpine Type E subs, run by a 1000W Kenwood Amp.

just checked all the fuses and power lines…and everything’s fine. the amp is getting power just fine. but neither speaker is making a sound. checked the wires to/from amp/subs, and they’re fine too.

i’m confused…any ideas?

So they were working and all of a sudden cut out…

and the amp is getting power. and no fuses blown and wiring is fine

which would leave me to believe that the speakers are blown…

I Would see if you can get a hold of another sub and hook it up and see if it gets power.

Did you smell any sort of burning rubber or burning glue? Or they may of just overheated

no burning. not overheated because they haven’t been turned on in a few days.

what are the odds that both speakers blow at the same time given that they’ve been running at the same power output, never raising it, for a few years.

blown speakers make noise.

my money is on the amp.

yea sounds like your amp took a shit. You could test the subs by disconnecting them and wiring one up to your speakers if you think thats it, but like said before, its pretty doubtful.

yea no way both speakers took a shit… check for stupid things though like gain turned all the way off, disconnected RCA’s, subwoofer’s turned off (many stereos have separate sub woofer control)

edit: and you are sure the amp is properly powered, the protection light is not on? could be a bad ground if so…

amp, my 1000w calrion did the same thing. was bumping my 2 type Rs and then nothing

ground. remote wire.

when my speakers blew they made no noise… how would a blown speaker make noise.

but yea doesnt sound like the speakers are the problem

because a blown speaker makes noise…


if it was a ground/remote/power issue the amp wouldn’t be getting any power…but it is. i can hear the fan going in it and see the light on it indicating it’s on and getting power. checked all the RCA cables and wires to and from speakers and ground and remote anyway…all wiring is a-ok.

fuses on amp are good too.

if the amp took a shit, would it still light up and would the fan still go on in it, or would nothing at all work? anybody have an amp i can borrow for 5 mins +/- to see if it works?

sounds like amp went poop, i had this happen 3 times when i was trying ot use too small of a amp on my subs the amps would overheat and then just stop working

did you check this?

my calrion lights up fan turns on fine, green for go and all i get is high end from my 4 channel.
If you decide to get your amp repaired let me know where you go, I need a place to get mine done

hifi hospital

:picard: so the one thing i dont need to check since i NEVER touch it i decided to check on a hunch. my sister was the last person to drive the car before the subs went. turns out the idiot didn’t mention to me that right before the speakers stopped working she was messing with the settings and managed to turn the fade all the way up front…ugh. all this frustration for nothing. Fucking pollock

nope. I know of a place online but you might be better off buying a new amp


that’s a classic… glad you fixed it for free…
