Wii SD Card

I got a decent update time only 2 hr delay

December 12, 2006
Arrival at Unit

tomorrow should be the day :eekdance:

I’m up for it.


Send out some pms

if I go I will probably car pool with minglor

SIQQQ just make sure you bring the extra remote(s). :tup:

EDIT: PMs sent

December 12, 2006 3:50 PM USPS Entry NIAGARA SQUARE STATI, NY
December 12, 2006 2:34 AM Sortation Center Departure LEETSDALE, PA
December 10, 2006 8:39 AM Sortation Center Arrival LEETSDALE, PA
December 10, 2006 6:30 AM Sortation Center Departure GROVE CITY, OH
December 8, 2006 3:26 PM Sortation Center Arrival GROVE CITY, OH
December 8, 2006 6:26 AM Sortation Center Departure EARTH CITY, MO
December 7, 2006 4:45 PM Sortation Center Arrival EARTH CITY, MO
December 7, 2006 1:00 PM Pickup MARION, IL

update, looks like mine was here at 3:50pm but it wasn’t updated till 10 pm i should be wii’ing tomorrow!!

December 12, 2006
4:25 PM
USPS Entry

yours actually arrived 35 minutes before mine did.

P.S. :tup: to the Fuzz


Wii boxing kicks ASS.

December 12, 2006 10:59 PM Electronic Shipping Info Received LOCKPORT, NY *

Time space continuum ftw.

Good times indeed, quite the workout. :tup:

So when mine arrives at work rubicant said he can’t send me home knowing that it may be damaged through shipping. The IT department is going to “test” the wii on a projector here this afternoon…

I just noticed that the package was handed off to the USPS…

WTF is that all about? Seriously the cheap shipping through circuit city is circuit shitty.

Whats got 2 thumbs, has a wii and likes the pussy?

<------THIS GUY

pretty sure that stores are supposed to be getting shipments of wii’s on the 17th. u can be damn sure im going to circuit city the minute they open to pick one up.

i love x-mas.

i want a wii :frowning: but everywhere that gets em are sold out by the time im out of work…

if you know a place that is getting them, I strongly recommend showing up at least 3 hours before they open, I showed up 2 hrs early at wal-mart and still was #26 of 21 they had

My advice go to target if they get them, circuit city never gets alot of them from what i have heard.

I’m feeling sick i should leave work.

u really think theres gonna be long lines for them still?

i think all the hardcore ppl have probably already gotten them on the release date. we’ll see how i feel on sunday, but ide rather wait till a little after x-mas then wait 3 hours in front of a store in the winter

when I was in line there were still 10 more people behind me, talking about getting them for their kids/grandkids, it was the second try for one lady in front of me and she did not get one


idunno, i want one pretty bad. we’ll see how motivated i am

It’s a sickness, it truely is. :slight_smile:

wii fever???

could be but its probably just the herpes.