
its goes back to my earlier point…

i think what you’re not realizing about comparing new nintendo with microsoft & Sony is that it has a wider audience…expically the next gen consoles.

most young kids…5+ will get DS’s or DS lites over PSP & Wii’s over 360’s & PS3’s due to price & game selection.

my wifes sister has 4 kids (1yr old, twin6’s & 10yr old) the twin boys wanted PSP’s & the 10yr old girl wanted a DSlite for xmas.
i told her PSPs are a little much for a 6yr old.
they all ended up getting DSlites…due to pricing & age oriented game selection.

& the same goes for consoles…
I bet most parents maybe 75-85% will get their kids a Wii over the other to due to the price & games.

nintendo has a broader market…tageting a wider audience = more sales.
plus a cheaper price make people decison a lot easier.

i bet if you could pinpoint a certian niche like 25-35yr old males…i bet xbox & PS outsell nintendo. & the only reason they are in the running is due to price & the wii’s new intriguing interactive features

for adults i think its a decision on xbox or PS & then if you have an extra 250-300 you say …yeah i’ll pick up a Wii too so i can try it out.


think about TVs… 360 & PS3 need HD…pointless without IMO…so add that into the equation.
if you don’t have a HDTV you’re looking @ at least $1k for system & Tv.

i am a 26 year old male and I went with the Wii. It made video games fun again, I got sick of playing the same boring shit. These games are interactive, and don’t require me sitting there for hours to get to certain levels. You just fire the machine up throw a disc in and play! My parents even want to come over and play! Its easy natural motions that make the Wii far more superior then any gaming system. No longer are users intimidated by a controller with 5000 buttons on it.

i’m not saying that that target is non-existiant…i’m just saying you’re part of the minority.

for me…depending on the day…when i’m done work, playing b-ball, playing with the kid, doing stuff around the house & car, etc…the last thing i want to do is play a game & flail around the living room with a controller. video games are my down time…& 80% of the time its a basketball game so i want to sit & chill.

there is a PS3 demo (motostorm) where you can turn on motion detection & use the controller as a steering wheel…i tried it for like 45sec… & hated it.

liek i said…i think they have a niche right now… wide audience, no need for HD, cheaper price & a lot mroe kid oriented games…thats the reason.

I guess that I am in the minority as I haven’t even played a Wii yet. If I can ever find one, I 'll probably get it just for the different controls and for Zelda.

As far as what would get the most play, I thnk that I would still play the 360, then the PS3 and then the Wii. At the end of the day for me, it i still about graphics and quality of games, not how inovative the controls are.

Like I said, I still haven’t played one so maybe when I do my opinion will change.

I just beat Zelda minutes ago… Best 45hours of my life.
Nintendo’s track record is undeniably perfect. Always on the cutting edge, never follow trends they create them. Who still plays Playstation 1, or Sega, etc. I still see NES systems in use (Myself), Super Nintendo is excellent, 64 is the best of them all in my opinion, GameCube is great( the size is perfect and the games are entertaining,) and the Wii is no exception. Like Whitey says my parents love to come playt that thing to, my uncle just bought one just to play Wii sports. They have always created excellent games without the use of violence or sex. PS3 and XBOX 360 definately put Wii to shame with looks, but as we should all know you can’t polish a turd.
PS. Super Smash Bros. is the greatest Video Game of all time…You heard it here.

wii play is pretty sweet

I will agree I love the Wii! My parents always want me to bring it when i visit them. Its kinda funny watching my dad box. I will also say the bigger the tv the better!

I wish that I could find a Wii to play but it is pretty tough around here. I still LOVE my 360 but I am willing to try something different if I could find one!

Just placed an order for a modchip.


A modchip for the wii? Who woulda thought…I’ve still yet to see a Wii on any stores’ shelves…amazing

go to the mall… they had 5 in stock

nope. went on tuesday for a buddy. none

had them saturday, i kicked one…

i know. thats why i figured they may still have one… they said new shipment tomorrow

i am going to see

no ebgames or game stop have any pr getting any tomorrow. i just called Lisa

chip came! :smiley:

i hope i dont break it tonight :x:

got 2 wiis today, got up and went to best buy figured they would be sold out already i was the 6th person in line they handed out tickets at 10 am store does not open till 11 walk over to toys r us they had like 30 of them, so i bought it called my buddy and asked if he still wanted one because i have the best buy ticket and he got the other one, its pretty cool

i still need one

I finally found a Wii yesterday. Got it and played it all evening with a bunch of friends. They had 26 of them at the Toys R Us in Center by the Beaver Valley Mall.

Time to order my mod chip and crack this thing open.