Wikipedia Apparently Has A Liberal Agenda

This is taking things a bit too far, IMO but when there are people like Fred Phelps out there, it becomes less and less of a surprise.

Generally I read all wiki articles with a healthy does of scepticism. I’ll then go out and look up real sources for the info once wiki points me in the right direction.

fucking natural selection and evolution, such bullshit!

i <3 wiki for a short, decent explanation on something

[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:4,topic:25340"”]

i <3 wiki for a short, decent sometimes completely wrong explanation on something


Fixed :slight_smile:


Fixed :slight_smile:


Exactly. I can’t count how many times I’ve had to edit a page created by some moron.

lol… true but its the first source that comes up all the time now… so if i want to know what something is… for instance… Hypnophobia :slight_smile:

just a quick explanation.

I didn’t know wikipedia was a user written system, and after finding out this, i’ve read each with a large amount of scepticism. I don’t think they have an agenda, its just the religious nuts being wierd (and i vote repub, but these people are no better than the california nut balls)