nyspeed wiki section ?

another forum im on recently added its own Wiki section, making it easy for members to collectivly edit info about anything automotive related

for us, being a state wide forum, we could easily also include sections about “enthusiast friendly” repair shops / inspection stations, meet spots, fun backroads ect

anyone else like the idea?

wikipedia has a page listing all of the wiki softwares out there, definantly a wide range of possible options for it

hrmmm. sounds interesting

With the amount of misinformation on here, I don’t think that is a good idea unless they give proof or reference.


word. anyone can put information on wiki… it’s not credited by anything.

the crappy thing about wiki… is the code sucks… unless you can find a good code to use… then i don’t see the point in doing it

Would be a nifty idea, not so much for car. But for local information.

But it can also be edited by anyone, which means anyone can change the misinformation to the correct info whenever they please.


I like it for this reason, it could even be just a directory of shops, where to get tires mounted, etc.

or the correct information can be changed to wrong information because someone thought they were right.


i like the idea

and people can post misinformation in threads too, but we still have a forum!

I think it’s worth trying it out, we’ll see if it works.

sounds like a good idea