Anyone remember my kitty, Willie? He was sick a little while back. He had made pretty much a full recovery, only to get sick twice more from toxoplasmosis. The last time being today. I found him laying on the floor when I came home from work. He couldn’t move, was stiff as a board, throwing up, peeing on the floor. The toxoplasmosis just kept coming back. Everytime he got better, we stopped his medicine, he would get sick again. I took him to the vet again today. The vet said I could either put him to sleep today, or put him on clindamycin for life. The latter choice would result in his kidney’s failing…He would have to be put to sleep eventually from that, maybe a year down the road. So I could either let him suffer a year, or let him go now before he had to suffer much more. So I had to make a hard choice, and leave him go. Hardest decision I’ve ever made.
Hard for you, but imagine the relief he has now. You made the right choice. It would of been selfish to keep him around longer only to suffer more and more. My condolences - pets are family too.
I know, it was hard but I knew what I had to do. I’ll just miss him. He was really affectionate, followed me around the house everywhere I went, sat on my feet while I was on the computer, laid on my chest and neck while I watched tv, came running to the door the minute I got home from work. I know I can always get another cat, but it won’t be the same as him.
what were his symptoms of this, by chance?
my friend just got a kitty and he seemed sick from the moment she got him. his eyes were all weird and slimy and he would lay all stiff and stuff like that. then the vet gave him medicine (antibiotics and im not sure what else) and he got better, but she said that since the meds hae stopped, hes getting sick/weird again. just wonderin.
regardless, sorry to hear about your situation. thats tough to deal with.
The cat seems almost paralized… like to stiff to move, his eyes had a slight discharge for a few mon before it hit him hard.If its not treated correctly it can spread to the cats brain. There is a bunch of information on the net about the disease… Marge should have links about it.
Sorry to hear,we had to put 2 down in the past year.
That’s a good source for info on toxoplasmosis. They can run titers to check if the cat has it, but it costs about $100 just to run the test. Clindamycin is used to treat toxoplasmosis. They can also use smz tmp, a type of antibiotic that will cross the blood barrier and treat infection in the brain (toxo can get in the brain, Willie’s did). Steroids can be used to reduce swelling in the brain. I’m practically an expert on this now, so let me know if you have any more questions. Thanks everyone.
awwwwwwww sorry to hear marge. its so sad when you have to put them to sleep.
I’m really sorry to hear about Willie. We were all hoping for the best and it’s heartbreaking that it didn’t work out. Having been in your same situation, I can say that in a while things will get better and you’ll only remember the good times and the bad ones will fade away.
That’s whats hard, remembering him when he was healthy and knowing he won’t be sitting here on my feet while I type or on my chest while I’m watching tv. It was weird coming home from work this morning, he usually runs up to me and follows me around the house nudging my legs.
Sorry to hear Marge, that sucks. But you made the right decision, why have him suffer any longer? My parents just put their dog down two days ago, he had bladder cancer. It IS losing a family member. Big hugs to you and yours. I know it’s hard.
He looks a little nappy but he loves the brush, and I woke him up thismorning to get more pics, hes really not as fat as the pics make him look, hes probably around 10 pounds all in all. and no fleas.