Window tinting: shop recommendations

I’m looking to get the SHO tinted soon, I’d like to hear some shop recommendations. I had both my Mustang and a past SHO done at a shop up near the airport…but this was when I was living in Cleveland and I would come up to Buff to visit friends and get the cars tinted. It was cheap, like $80 for the Mustang and $120 for the SHO. I’d like to go back to this shop but I can’t find them in the phonebook…


i had mine done at eclipse on military rd. they did an awesome job and it was pretty cool. i pulled in, and the owner was like “what shade do you want?” as im thinking about it, three guys are already cleaning my windows and pulling the inner door panels off. by the time i decide they are ready to go. i sit down, 10 mins later its done and i can go. it came out AMAZING


eclipse, they tinted a past 2G SHO of mine and it was a beautiful thing.


fuckin right doggy

Excellent customer service, very easy to work with :slight_smile:

*do a search on either here or UBRF. you’ll see the same feedback

the powers that be informed me that rainbow is a board sponsor so i won’t mention my opinion of them.

as far as tint goes; don’t shop by price unless you want to replace it every three years.

you want to find a shop that uses at least HP (high performance) also called ‘semi-metalized’ tint. that is unless you like that faded, purpley, bubbly, peeling dyed tint… :gotme: to each his own. if you ask what kind of tint they use and they don’t say ‘metalized’, ‘semi-metalized’, or ‘high-performace’ then you’re getting cheap-ass dyed tint for sure. (ie getting what you pay for if you’re price shopping)

also; if you ask for a metalized film – and they show you some ‘chrome-fader’ tint with the silver (or gold, green, blue, red) at the bottom – odds are they don’t even know what two ply film is – aaaaaand you shouldn’t go there if you’re looking for a ‘good’ tint job.

pay a little more and get a better film whenever possible. i bought my own roll of 5% HP at one point. :shrug: whatever it takes to get the job done right.

That’s what I liked about the place (Pro-Tint Systems…I found out their name) I went to before. This was about 5 years ago for the Mustang and 3 for the SHO. Both cars are still as good as new. I’m not going to the cheapest place…just wanted to hear some opinions of quality.

yeah too bad Dave closed up around here and moved south. :frowning:

that guy was an awesome tinter, and his shop was as clean as they come.

I went to rainbow for both of my cars previous to the one I have now. They did an amazing job and didn’t charge a whole lot. I really wanted the tint done on my talon a few months ago and didn’t have time to drive out to rainbow, so I decided to call eclipse. I asked them how much it would be to tint my windows, told them what kinda car it was, and the guy told me $120. So I’m thinkin ok, sweet, $10 more than what I payed at rainbow and I could get it done that day, not bad. Yea, well, I took my car there and they went right to work as soon as I pulled in. While they were 1/2 way through the guy who runs it (owner I’m guessing) tells me to go to the cashout window. “Ok, your total is $179 and some change”. I was like wtf? You told me $60 less on the phone. And he said it was a complicated car to do and bla bla bla. If it was so damn complicated, how come it took them 15 minutes to do my whole fuckin car?!?

btw: the tint was on my first car when I got (originally done by rainbow) it and it had been on there for 4 years no fading, I got it redone only cuz I wanted it darker (once again by rainbow) so :tup: to them

Rainbow FTW…

support them seeing that they are all on the board :slight_smile:

I have no idea who works there…anyone have their contact info???

eclipse is on main street in clarence nick…lol

eclipse was good except for a couple of bubbles…

PM BDR5oh or BDR LT1

1101 Military Rd, Kenmore, 877-3878

<<<<<< Rainbow



Ummm did anyone metion RAINBOW TINT

Paul, Derrick and the rest of the guys are good people and do great work for a fair price

1 for rainbow tint

i tinted both my cars at rainbow. It’s been a year now since the tint on my civic is it’s still dark and fine. Only problem right now is that there’s come bubbles, and there’s small peel on my pass. side windows :frowning:

I would like to get it retinted, but I’d rather not pay for another full tint
