Windows: "Burn To Disk" crushes SSD?

Hey Nerds…

Not the first time I’ve run into this problem, but the first time I felt like looking into it. Last time i just used different burning software, problem solved. But I still enjoy the simplicity of the windows burner.

Problem is, when I’m “attempting” to burn a CD and do anything else on the machine it lags hardcore. I get “Not Responding” from just opening Firefox.

I have a movie encoding, a disk burning and I’m trying to surf the net, is that too much to ask? I enabled the CPU widget so you could see how little resources I’m actually using, but still the machine acts like it is going to die.

Anyone else run into this?

PS - How the hell do you use the attachment uploader? The “basic” is simple enough, but wtf do you do with the default one?

Are there settings to set the “priority”?

I can’t find anything for those settings. For the encoder I have it maxed to use all cores at it’s highest possible amount (“time sensitive”), but it doesn’t even scratch the surface.

It definitely doesn’t seem to have any impact on CPU or RAM when it is running, it simply slows everything down around it.

Friggen ConvertXtoDVD failed… SOB.

Moved AVIs to Desktop to read from SSD and doubled throughput. Who woulda thunk it. Wish it would chew up more CPU…

I don’t know how relevant it is but I have been having a TON of problems with firefox slowing down my machine. It should not be a issue on my gaming rig but there is something not right with firefox. maybe it is corrupt on my machine or something.

I dropped firefox and went chrome b/c it started lagging, and screwing up more and more often.

What kinda machine is it, and how is the DVD burner connected?

Entire PC is SATA, i7 @3.XGHz, 6GB RAM, the works… no reason to chug that I can think of.

hmm maybe it is firefox, because i have noticed my shizzy has been lagging lately when i try to do anything with firefox open

Vista or 7?

Win 7 Enterprise…

It isn’t Firefox, unfortunately, the entire PC lags I used Firefox to show how a simple and otherwise instantly opening application can be impeded by that process.

use cdburnerxp its free to download, see if that will help the issue

Are you watching to see what process blow ups?

it is burn to disc, no question about that, but I have no idea of knowing why… I can’t monitor anything other than RAM and CPU…

ALT CTRL DEL and then open task manager, then click on performance, then resource monitor. Once thats open try the same process and see whats hogging resources. Theres obv something making it lag you just have to see what it is. Do you have an antivirus? Its possible that its trying to run a scan in the backround and slowing everything down.

No antivirus. I was using windows defender but my copy isn’t genuine so defender doesn’t work.

If you need a hacked activated copy of windows get ahold of me it will update and work fine with anything