Windows Vista 5536

Anyone else have this yet? I’m running it on my laptop and it’s been flawless. It’s almost like M$ actually got their shit together. It still uses wayyyyy too much RAM for my tastes though. Although the ReadyBoost feature has actually come in handy already.

It doesn’t like my RAID controller on my main box. I’ve heard that I have to slipstream the drivers in order for it to work. Ugh.

Anyone else?

Meh its looks like they crashed MacOS X/Linux GUI into XP. Its nothing special.

I’m still using the old build I’ll have to check it out later. Is this build available from MS or is this “warez” only?

It’s available from msdn if you have access.

can anyone hook up a link to DL the program? i want to play with it

looks nice, prolly need a good rig to run all the bells and whistles

i ran the 33xx build and was completely turned off… and you don’t need msdn access… idk about torrents having this … but I know of other places to get it… and if you aren’t a computer person don’t fuck with it… its about 5 hours of frustration if you don’t know what you are doing

i want to play around with it…

lemme see what i can pull up for you then

Edit: well shit…

553seeders lol should be quick enough

For those worried about requirements, it actaully ran suprisingly smooth on my amd1200 rig with 1 GB of ram with most of the dings, and screeches turned on.

heres the problem- i cant download torrents at fredonia, they have all the ports blocked…

Well, RC1 was just released yesterday on connect. It will be a public release so by next week or so, you should be able to download that directly from Microsoft’s website. FYI, RC1 is build number 5600.