So, it’s windy out.

My wooden fence is gone…it’s all over my neighbors driveway/backyard. Three runs of aluminum siding is bent, torn and ripped off.

This is fun.

I got some cool pics by the waterfront, but it was after 5pm when the wind was dying down. Definitely the worst I’ve seen it.

I’ve lost nearly all the shingles off my back dormer, yay! Who has some roof repair recommendations for me?

A piece of trim ripped off my house. That’s all thus far. Roof repair is not all that hard. Just some shingles, nails, and roofing cement.

Yeah I’m not really confident I’d do a good job (or even close to an acceptable job), would rather pay someone for peace of mind.

Start at the top and shingle down.

      • Updated - - -

Thought I had my shit grooving when I dropped too much money on too much generator and went to plug it into the transfer switch that was wired into my box when I bought my house by the previous owner. Wrong plug end. FUUUUUUUUUU…

My kid’s trampoline got relocated from one side of the yard to the other and my very heavy Weber grill was blown over but unscathed. Going to inspect the roof in the morning but I think I’m ok there. Watched a huge branch fall from the dead ash tree at work with some of it hitting a Jeep parked at the company next door. The gust that took it down pelted my office window with sticks and I jumped back from my desk thinking the whole tree was coming through my window next. Crazy shit.

Edit: Decided I probably wouldn’t sleep well if I didn’t check the roof so went out with my gazillion candlepower flashlight and took a look. Looks good. :tup:

My gas door ripped off my car, work is closed tomorrow. Lost power at 3 and our eta isn’t until tomorrow at midnight.

the ring came off my pudding can

First Canadian problems.

You pumped about coming to LA yet?

Lost about 8 shingles on my hip roof’s ridge, went and bought a bundle of 3 tabs. Whole house generator is humming like a kitten. No know. ETA on power restoration in Hamburg according to NYSEG…

Everytime we have a major storm I get the feeling NYSEG doesn’t have their shit together anywhere near as well as National Grid.

I walked outside around lunch and my hat blew off my head and went straight up about 50 feet and just hovered there, then slowly returned to earth. I was unable to catch it on my head.

Take my pen knife, my good man!

First time the wind has ever knocked over my grill or moved my trampoline.

Minor damage to this Jeep at the company next door after a grazing strike. When you’re dumb enough to park under a dead ash tree with branches littered all over the ground under it you honestly deserve a lot worse.

The Ren Cen was moving 9 inches reportedly, really could feel it moving on the 32nd floor. Worst the long timers had ever felt. They eventually sent us home due to the threat of broken windows at 70 mph gusts.

They told my wife mid day tomorrow. BIWISI.

I show up Wednesday at PSP

this is correct

So I’ve heard nothing but bad things about Classic Fence, so I called Iroquois Fencing to get an estimate to replace the one side that blew down. Any other fencing places that I should give a call to? I could do it myself but I don’t want to and it wouldn’t be until spring break if I did.

Waterfront pics from yesterday:�OFFICIAL�-Watercraft-Jet-Ski-PWC-Thread-Boats&p=4680112&viewfull=1#post4680112

The monster tree lying on the wires on East Eden is gone, seems as though they’re making progress. I am not sure if there’s anything further up stream to fix before I get restored.