Another good x-post:
Ok, just got back from a track meeting again. Here is the scoop:
Friday is their Midnight Madness event at O’Reilly Raceway Park. It will be packed with a couple thousand people racing and having fun. WE are going to have our OWN area to tech, meet and greet, watch the races, and get ready for the following day. You can get your stickers after you tech, pick up your goodie bag, etc… You are then Free to join in the fun there, or go to the hotel and rest up for the battle on Saturday.
This will be at no cost to the racers (the tech part). Those wanting to race, have to go back out, and enter the front enterance, and pay the $15 to race. It will also cost $8 to spectate if you leave the WWIII grid to re-enter the maingate.
Gate 8 is for WWIII ONLY, on Friday!! Not a Midnight madness point of entry!
Those racers who are on our list, can enter gate 8 (see photo) at anytime from 12 Noon and on. Anytime you get there, it’s fine. Just remember what gate to go into ( 8 ).
On Saturday, the racers ENTER the MAIN GATE, and the carshow and general public will now enter gate 8. Confusing? :lol: :lol:
Vendors can show up AT GATE 8 anytime from Noon on also to setup. There will be more info when you get to the track. Does everyone understand the itinerary? If you have any questions, please ask. Our area will be roped off to keep others out who are there for the Midnight Madness event. It will be sweet for sure. Print off this photo if you need it.