Winner of the first Scientific American's "World's Worst Technology Award" is...

…IBM, Adobe, and the Federal government. :rofl:

IBM’s seminal contribution was to create the PureEdge software package to handle the grant forms. If you try to run the program on a Mac under OS 10.4.9, the program pops into the dock and then disappears immediately…To take such an unstable piece of software and base people’s livelihoods on it – now, that is genius that only the federal government could exhibit. The even greater genius was to shut down the website for maintenance on the weekend prior to the proposal deadline…One of the required forms, on which you select your field of scholarship and university affiliation, is a PDF file that requires Adobe Acrobat 8.0…The new version crashes whenever you try to select one of the required fields…

This will be a fun article to watch.

Every December for the past few years, Sci Am has given out the SA50 awards for advances in technology contributing to human progress. But I’ve always felt these awards missed something very important. They failed to recognize the technology that retards human progress.

Did someone say “retards”? I nominate vBulletin software!

“they see me mowin’, my front lawn. i know theyre all just thinkin’ im so WHITE AND NERDY! they think im just too WHITE and NERDY”

u sir are white and nerdy.

lol jp nobody else commented, and idk wtf any of that meant, so i figured id say something profound

If you’re applying for the grant on a mac, you’re probably just trying to waste the government’s money anyway. I believe this “bug” was probably designed in to help weed out the hippy requests.



If you’re applying for the grant on a mac, you’re probably just trying to waste the government’s money anyway. I believe this “bug” was probably designed in to help weed out the hippy requests.


ahahaha so true