Winter blues? check this out

God I cant wait till this friggin winter is over.

that is just incredible


And I have had spring fever for about 4 days now like whoa.


that is amazing…

Been going nutty since Wednesday. This picture isn’t helping. :stuck_out_tongue:

ugh. buffalo fucking sucks


Bump, im feeling it.

This doesnt help. I’ve been seriously itchin to take the bike out the past few days. I even planned a bike trip to the gap.

april i can go to spain and on a medditeranean cruise…3 more months god damnit

i cried a little. no seriously :frowning:

well now…that’s depressing.

Uggh. I wasn’t going to book my next tropical vacation until the spring. Maybe I’ll book it today. :cry:

That would be sick to own your own island.

hell, I’d take 55 and sunny.

I want to go back to Fiji.

It was too hot to lay on the pool chairs in the sun so I found some cool grass under a bush. :slight_smile:

^that picture makes me want to shit on your chest.

Vegas in a couple weeks to overcome the winter blues…
Jamacia in a couple months…
Costa Rica in a few after that…

all i can do is cope.

+1 :wink:

Uggh… Id love a magic boat someday too :mamoru:

Im ok with what we got going on here. Its the shittiness that makes the summer what it is. If you can embrace that mindset, you should have already left Buffalo by now :confused:

Heh. I can feel the love. :grouphug:

Well its days like yesterday and today that suck ass. I dont mind the cold as long as there is snow thats fun to drive in. I hate when the streets get plowed and driven on enough that the snow gets packed down and its very hard and slippery. When the snow is soft its seems easier for the tires to grip it. And when it isnt very windy.