Winter Plans For Your Car?

your racing at mosport in the winter? pretty sure people meant what is going to be done to their cars. not their goals for racing and etc etc. thanks for sharing tho.


nice take some pics and vid and post them up sure epople would like to see that

well we don’t have snow here so I drive the Skyline all year round :slight_smile: I’ll be putting on a new intercooler, N1 headlights and new steering wheel whenever I have a chance though.

As for my wagon though…body kit is coming off, winter rims/snow tires going on. Gotta be ready to hit the Alps by 3rd week of December. Oh, and new windshield wipers. Thats about it.

Don’t forget to wash/clay/seal your paint!

Yeah sure rub it in Daryl that you get no snow.:mad:


i wish i had money to do stuff to my car over the winter… who knows maybe il get a new job where i can afford too. but im just going to be driving and having fun with my 240 in the winter.