If anyone is looking for winter storage let me know. My family has a HUGE facility just off exit 12 in malta that can accomadate tons of cars, 6000 sq foot garage and a show room (where my stuff will be). I talked to them and there finally cool w/ me doing this, It is heated w/ security cameras and a high tech alarm system. I dont really have a set price, im not sure what this kind of thing is worth to people. give me your feed back.

That’s a sweet set up if you just need storage

tony sent you a PM

for everyone that pm’d me, ill have prices by tomorrow.

bikes are also welcome

thats nice that you’re doing that, im so glad that i have a garage

Sent you another PM.

i will respond to all pm’s tomorrow after i talk to “the boss”

Sounds good man.

hmmm…be a perfect opportunity to take my time and do a nice cam install if its in storage there :ninja

pm sent!

our cars are going to do it HEHEHEHEHEHE

“the boss” who is that? mommy?

no one said anything about installs while in storage. jesus taking advantage of people already. :idiots

Dont speak.

whoa waoh whao

u wanna go, i got 5 large right here.

Tony, I wish I would have known this a month ago!



Ok heres the deal, i talked to the boss (my grandfather), he is down w/ my winter storage idea with afew rules and regulations. The number one being is that this is storage, not a personal garage to do mechanical or detail work. If someone had to get at there car im sure i could help but im not gonna be on call so people can come and go as they please. Number 2 is he would wanna be paid upfront, quite frankly he does not need the $$ and is not interested in chasing kids around for little amounts of $$. The storage would be from pretty much now til April 1st. Number 3 is you would have to provide proof and maintain the bare minimum insurance on your car and also a set of keys, incase of an emergency. As for the price… we have done a little bit of research and he is thinkin right around 100 a month, I KNOW it sounds like a lot but his reasons are heat, security cameras, alarm system, concrete and tile floors, always plowed and kept open incase someone HAD to get at the car. like i said before this place is ideal for this kind of thing, this is a 20000 sq ft facility that is not a dirt floor garage w/ mice climbing all over your car. Also our lawyer will draw up some sort of paper work for both parties to sign. Well heres some pics check it out and let me know whats up, if everyone was dead set against that price i would try to negotiate w/ my gramps!
