Winter Storm Warning, 12/19, 8am to 10pm

Looking at radar, I think it might pick back up depending on how this moves across.



Watching NOAA radar I’m going to say by 3pm most of WNY will be seeing just light snow. Clearing starting from south-east to north-west.

Picked back up pretty good here in Amherst again, but the trailing edge is between Erie and Dunkirk.

thanks god for awd wagons.

Im wondering how funny a 9 page thread like this would look to an outsider say from the state of Arizona

real men have the PPP on 50.

outside we gotz:

inside we gotz maddenz:

LoL, my dad moved my car inside as well:

I was out riding my 50 after I shoveled my driveway earlier. I must say good times.

90 was a mess…few people on the side of the road on the 33 also. Surprisingly my car handled decent.

Just drove from Batavia to Buffalo and it took two hours. People drive like idiots. My Subaru on the other hand, is like a hot knife through butter in this shit. :tup:

Chefs (work across the street) to home (near JFK HS); took like 30 minutes around noon… blew the driveway out (for the 1st time)… anywheres from 3-14"…

This is going to make for AWESOME conditions tomorrow at HV… I can’t wait…

Bah. Looks like the snow’s going to be done within an hour or so. I’m going to miss all the fun driving!


That drive rocked shit. I did bog down in a 3’ drift though because my traction control kept cutting power. I had to back out. -SUV manlyness

Santa says there is about 7" on the ground, that includes what was already there. Santa does not lie, and is in a sheltered spot that always gives accurate readings. Santa also is facing east and says it’s pretty much over unless we get the backside of the storm.

Yeah like the REAL Santa wears a scarf and oven mitts… Im gonna go ahead and trust my local weather man thnx

Santa > The Weatherman.

Blitzen > Weather Man in buffalo

That beast doesn’t have a fun button?

i’ve got about 8 inches so far, and still have to work at 4, delivering pizza should be really fun tonight :banghead: