Winter Storm Warning, 12/19, 8am to 10pm

You do not have 8" of snow, stop exaggerating, you have exactly what I have.

That’s what she said


We call that a dusting in ski country.

you can look at the car outside my house if you want. its burried.

I live in elmwood… a snowmobile just ripped it down the middle of the street going 50

“Buried” and that proves nothing, as by the time I can get there, you will have 8" of snow. I just checked with a ruler, 4.5" so far.

my eg has picked up almost in inch in the last 35 minutes. Were getting shit on up here.

It’s called wind + snow. You won’t get an accurate measurement people…

That’s like 1977 right there.

That looks like 4" of snow to me. And it’s picked up here too, same as where you are.

You can if you know where to measure.

That is not “buried”

the back half of the car has a solid 8 inches accordign to the tape messure, its blowign off the front of the car, theres a nice wind that curls around inbetween the house and the garage, its almost like the built the house so when you walk outside you get bitchslapped in the face by blowing snow.

I did my driveway about an hour ago–sure doesnt look it

Mmmmm and we got rain down here…

YOU drive an EG?

Do you have to plan your travels with predominantly left turns?

yea its complete utter failure in the falls area regarding plowing. nothing is ever plowed until it melts

Took the goat. Thinking it may have been a bad decision. I backed into a spot at work so I’m parked on a downhill. Still may end up leaving the car at work if it gets much worse. The roads aren’t that bad, but coming back from the bank I almost got stuck in the damn parking lot. :lol:

A shot of N. Forest:

ECC is closed, w00t!

There is an SUV stuck on swan st below my office…looks to be an exploder or escape :lol: everyone’s been watching them rock it for like 10 min