winter tires --> opinions needed

question: is it a good idea to put only 2 snow tires on your car?
(in this case, i’m doing this for my civic, and i was thinking of 2 snow tires in the front.)

now, just to clarify some things up.
yes, i know how to use google and have done so accordingly, but what i hate about this topic is that half the people are saying yes and the other half are saying no. Some are saying that buying 4 winters is just an industry money-grab, and DRIVING SKILL will ultimatley detemine if your car will end up in a ditch or not. Also if you put them only on the front, the rear of the car will spin out (other argue if you’re a good driver, you shouldn’t have a problem with this to bein with)

i’ve personally never used winters ever, so i have no experience with this.

i just wanted to know if anyone here has tried this, and if so how they felt about how the car handled?

4 snow tires, period.

4 snow tires, the ones with the snowflake…

4 dunlop grandtek SJ6’s


It’s like saying…yooooooooooo mang I gots craaazy racing tires…but only on mah drive wheels nucka!!!

Or driving with 2 mint tires and to bald tires.

Snow tires do there job well. Do not get entry level snows. If you gonna get snows. Get the best.

4 snows or youll kiss the ditch…i live where winter thrives man. lol MUSKOKA !

It all depends on if your a good drive or not hell man enough people drive with all seasons in the winter so even 2 winters is better than none…but make sure your rear tires have good thread or your car will drift and not on purpose lol.

some background information on my car now is, all 4 of my tires are fucking terrible… spin out/slide when pressing the breakes even a little hard when theres just a light layer of rain on the ground.
but i was using these tires all winter last year, and although i had to be very careful all the time, i made it through without any accidents, and e-breaked any corners that i could just for fun… so my “driving skillZ” isnt really what worries me.

its just now the car is much lower than it was before, and i go snowboarding up north quite offten, and im defenitley NOT looking forward to missioning it up there on those pieces of shit…

but the general consensus is 4 tires… thanks :slight_smile:

Yes, 4 tires. Otherwise the placement of tires gives you false confidence. If they’re in the rear, you’re like ohh nice I have some decent grip, then you turn or brake, and fail occurs.

If you place them at teh front, you feel oh, I have grip judging from this lack of understeer at the current speed or this braking effectiveness, then your ass end slides out and fail occurs.

My most hated occurence: when you’re trying to leave from a stop, but the rear wheels will do nothing but spin, although the car is gradually accelerating, and the tail just starts to go sideways, and then you countersteer so you don’t do a 180.

This results in going straight down the road, sideways, praying that your rear corner doesn’t scrape the car in the next lane. Basically, any throttle input results in your rear end wandering into another lane depending on pavement incline direction, car’s weight distribution, etc.

Fun times. In summary: 4 winter tires (preferably less than 195 width) with a lot of tread and a good rust proofing for the chassis.

^ i’ll be putting them on a fwd car, but i understand your point of false sense of confidence.

and don’t worry, i’m not driving a s-chassis in the winter;)

Even on a civic. If you were on the highway or road for example. And you crossed lanes, or snow was being blown across the road, your rear end woudl do some crazy shit. Running only 2 winter tires is retarded.

Unless you own a 240sx, and its snowing outside. :cool:

Catch my drift. lol.

But seriously, for any daily circumstance, always have 4 winter tires, same brand all around.


either that(snow tires), or get some decent new all seasons like motormasters, you’ll be fine in that civic trust me.

actually, Walmart is selling 175/70/r13 Nexen winter tires for about $40 a tire lol…go for it if I were you!!

i’m on it