Winter Tires

as u kno the season is coming and its time for the change for well most of us, alot of lazy muther****ers out there lol, what is the best winter tire out there on the market/price??

yeh i was going to ask the saem question… need winter tires soon…

Nokia Hakkapellitta RSi for street, 4’s for off road

nothing better… ( I’d consider a pair of AVS winters as well)

hmm, what about these ones that are being advertised so much like michellin ice-x?

and how much do those ''Nokia Hakkapellitta RSi ‘’ go for?

i just got a set of toyo G-02 for $550 195/60R15
havn’t put them on yet…
too lazy… and it havnb’t snow yet…

$200 for a set with rims…:wink:
:R :smiley:

They are quite pricey brand new IIRC.

im using kuhmo I*ZEN STUD, obviously the studs are off because it’s illegal but they are great, ran them last season, still can pull a drift but very good for regular driving even making corners

not very expensive, mabe like 450 or so for all 4. personally these are like performance winter tires, i think its worth it. and you can put on the studs if you like for severe winter conditions, esp with your rwd