Winter to do list: 2001 Audi S4

No I dident want to ask questions, but I mean you had like 5 people surrounding you asking questions haha…

Either way dident want to be a douche and just randomly cut in and be like OH HAI!

It pulls strong on pump gas. The power comes on right away with little to no lag. Car def goes like hell

Good stuff. Thanks.

You going to be aroudn next weekend?

Possibly I dunno, I need to source some more race fuel. I only have a 5 gallon can of C16, and a 55 gallon drum is going to run $700 :frowning:

Pump gas FTW.

That reminds me, I need to make it over to Synapse to get this dyno’d on pump.

I’ll take a ride on pump :excited

Never been taken for a ride in a supra… so wouldnet bother me either way…

Damn baller

rip off!!!
Ray’s car was free!:haha:lol

Ha ha oh noes called out

holy smackers race gas is expensive

I was joking. Ray normally doesn’t take people out. :shifty


you caught me on a nice day, gave up my seat like a black man

Wow, this is unheard of.

Quoting for later use.

Lmao good save


Next upgrade?

its just never fast enough huh


It will never be fast enough

What ones you gonna do clown shoe