Winter to do list: 2001 Audi S4

I want to see the gears and syncro’s.
I bet the syncro’s are beat!

Replacing 1-2 shift collar and synchros,3-4 shift collar and synchros, some new gears are going in along with a fidanza 11lb flywheel and some thing shit

Synchros/gears have seen better days

Here’s more pics. Gonna be a lot more money…

That sucks pal!

Yea gotta pay to play


Go finish your shit so we can haz drift


WTF you slacking ass negro

Watch your tone white boy!

I will whip you

Oh no:

Quick, grab the lube! That one’s gonna hurt!!

Ah ha ha ha ha what did jhm say

of man, new 1st-4th… now maybe ill do the O2M swap and be right with you on the rapage.

lol nothing like getting fucked with your buddy

May need the mainshaft too… $1100 from audi.

Lmao what the hell that shaft is fine you just cry to much. Did jhm get back to you


"Looking at the pics I can’t see what is wrong with the selectors. If you can get a pic of the exact selector I know I have one.

Here is the deal, I am trying to get you the best prices straight from Germany for these parts and asking around to other guys I deal with and see if they have any good gears.

As for the mainshaft if it was quiet when driving in first you should ok. It looks decent, not wasted yet, but not optimal either. The mainshafts are pricey. But this is your call.

If you get all the parts from me I will include a good used fork and selector shaft for free.

Here is the parts list I think you are looking for so far.

  •      Mainshaft (get me a closer pic of that worn spot since this is marginal) I think it matters how long you plan on keeping the car.
  •      1st gear
  •      2nd gear
  •      3rd gear
  •      4th gear
  •      Shift Fork (PN 01E 311 561)
  •      Selector (get it out and take a pic of the bad one so I know which one you need.)

I will get back to you soon, let me know if that list sounds right."