Winter Wine Tasting?

The girl I am seeing never has been wine tasting and I am not going to be in town for valentines but I am looking to an place to bring her. I know some vineyards have open wine tasting for the $4 to try a few samples but does anyone know any events or things that you can make an event or night out of?

My friend told me about the Red Cross Vintage Affair event on the 29th which seems like it will be a good one. Anyone been there or have any other ideas?

the Red Cross thing should be a good time, but it will probably be a mostly 30+ crowd.

yea i am not looking for something to necessarily get plowed at. casa larga in rochester has a dinner/wine tasting on the 29th too but i just realized that I am out of town that weekend so I need to find another event like that.

Check out this site for wine tasing events

My wife and I and 2 friends did it yesterday. Dropped some cash on wine and food :slight_smile: Always a fun time.

Did you do the weekend of wine event or did you just make stops at vineyards on the trail?

The Red Cross tasting should be a great time and is a really good cause, I’ll be there this year.

When is the ice wine festival?

I think it’s in Feb.


EDIT_ Never mind it’s over.

However… EX GF and I went to the finger lakes last-last spring. It was amazing. Spent a few days in Watkins Glen.

ice wine fest was awesome last year, i think i went to 15 different wineries.

We would hit 7 or 8 of the wineries throughout the day. Map them out on the GPS and go to town. Figuring that it is local, we would spend just one day doing it.

call the roycroft
dave has wine tasting, pairing, and food prep classes over there all the time. they are a lot of fun :tup:

I just found out that I am going to be here at the end of the month so I will be around for the end of the month events.

Right now I have it down to:

  1. Red Cross Vintage Affair (Buffalo, NY)
    Cost: $50 per person
    Includes: hors d’oeuvres and wine tasting along with auction of various fine wines

  2. Casa Larga Fiori Wine Enthusiast’s Dinner (Rochester, NY)
    Cost: $75 per person / Wine Lovers Club Members are $65
    Includes: 5 course meal with varios wine parings for each meal

Anyone have experience with these events or have other suggestions? I am looking for a nice, casual thing to do with someone who never has been to a wine event. Also, the environment info would help too since it will just us two going as of right now.