Wiping HD with no key or disc?

I have an old compy 386 that I want to wipe clean and use as a emulator box. It’s an old desktop rubicant gave to me Years ago. I don’t have a disc or a key for the os (xp pro.) the compy is super virused and I just want to start it fresh . Pretty sure the copy of xp is legit, but not 100%. any suggestions?

If you just want to wipe the disk use dBan http://www.dban.org/

I use that for wiping all my hard drives. If your looking for XP i have a couple pirated copies that I could dig through and maybe upload?

Will XP even run on a 386?

Yeah how the hell would XP even install on one…that shit was built for like Windows 3.1 max

Uh, Xp will not run on a 386.

Does your computer have a turbo button?

He probably doesn’t have a 386, probably something old, as XP is on it.


You still have that thing? Goddamn. I thought the water dripping down the wall onto the outlet it was plugged into would have got this thing a long time ago.

XP on 386? wow!

Format c:

Lol! It’s not really a 386 it’s just what I call it, it’s from strongbad

Ok, so just boot off an XP CD, delete the partitions and tell it to install to the blank partition.